Lambriatis by Anna Gr. Exadaktylos
· the front half of a rather small lamb · 24 + 3 eggs · 1 soup plate with chopped onions · 1 coffee plate with the green of spring onions · the liver and the lungs of the lamb cut in ½ ” by 1” pieces, thoroughly washed with lukewarm water · 1 soup plate with the crumbs of a loaf of bread · 3 soup plates of semi hard (e.g. Gruyère ), feta and soft cheese cut in ½ ” cubes · 1 soup plate of grated parmesan cheese · mint, dill in 1’’ pieces · 3 tablespoons of butter · salt, pepper to taste · rosemary (on top of Lambriatis while cooked) · 1 teacup of olive oil
Sew the neck of the carcass with cotton thread (twine). Rub the inside of the trunk with pepper (optional) and the outside with salt and pepper.
Throw the liver, the lungs, the chopped dry onion and a teacup of water in a pot and simmer them until the liver is tender. Stir occasionally with a wooden ladle. When the water evaporates, add another cup and so on. When the liver is tender, continue simmering until the last cup of water evaporates. This can take one to two hours. Then, add the chopped green onions and simmer for another minute.
Remove the pot from the fire.
In a large pot, beat by hand (not with a mixer) the 24 eggs, then throw the mint, the dill, some grated pepper (optional, to taste), the breadcrumbs, the semi hard cheese and the parmesan. Stir the ingredients gently. In another pot put the butter and use let it melt in a small to medium fire. Then throw the ingredients of the other pot stirring gently. When the mixture begins to thicken remove the pot from the fire, then add the feta and the soft cheese stirring gently. Beat three eggs and add them to the mixture (“gemissi”).
With a ladle put the “gemissi” from the pot to the carcass. At the end sew the opening with cotton twine.
Put the Lambriatis in an enamel lidded roaster, with the rosemary on top in the oven (temperature 300 to 320 Fahrenheit). After two hours remove the lid, turn the lambriatis upside down and continue cooking without the lid. When the bones separate easily from the meat, the lambriatis is ready. This can take three to four hours cooking time. Remove the Lambriatis from the oven and let it cool for at least four hours. When cool, use your hands, kitchen scissors and knives to remove bones and meat. Take care to get the “gemissi” in one piece. Then cut it with a long sharp knife into ½ ” slices.
Enjoy! |